2 FAQs On Hearing Aids

If you think your hearing is getting worse, you should schedule an appointment with a hearing professional. Hearing loss is often managed with hearing aids after an accurate test to determine what type of devices best suit you. Having hearing aids fitted could help you locate sounds better and ensure you hear better in noisy environments. This article will look at common FAQs on hearing aids to help you adjust and better care for your devices. 

How can you adjust to your new hearing aids?

Minor physical discomfort can occur in the first few days of wearing your new hearing aids, but this should subside within a week or so as your ears get used to the devices. If your ears are sore for a prolonged period of time or you experience sharp pain in your ears, consult a hearing professional. In most cases, the hearing aids may need to be adjusted so they fit better in your ears and improve wearing comfort. 

Some new hearing aid wearers may notice some unnatural sound quality when wearing their devices. This is typically normal, and the unnatural sound quality should improve as your auditory nerve adjusts to the hearing devices. Be sure to continue wearing your devices as much as possible so your ears are stimulated and get used to the new sound. 

How can you maintain your hearing aids through the years?

Hearing aids are susceptible to earwax and dust buildup, eventually clogging the devices and obstructing sound to your ears. To prevent any hearing obstruction or device damage, be sure to clean your hearing aids regularly and visit a hearing professional at least once a year to have the devices cleaned and inspected. 

Moisture buildup can also inhibit the performance of your hearing aids and cause premature damage. Placing your devices in a dehumidifier at night can help keep them safe and dry. You should also open the battery door at night to let air circulate in the devices and prevent moisture buildup. 

Removing your hearing aids during swimming, jogging, or other strenuous activities can also help keep them dry and prevent damage. If your ears get hot and damp while you are wearing your devices, consider removing them for a short while to allow moisture in the ear canals to escape and to let your ears breathe. 

By working closely with your hearing professional and following up on maintenance, you can adjust to your hearing aids quicker and help prolong their lifespan. For more information, contact local professionals like County Hearing And Balance.
