5 Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Your Menstrual Health

A lot of people are so familiar with their menstrual cycles that they barely have to think about it. For others, irregularity is to be expected. The truth is that speaking with your doctor is essential to understanding whether or not the things happening in your body are normal. Have a doctor's visit coming up? It's always a good idea to ask questions if you think something is not quite right.

1. What does it mean if your period is irregular?

A regular period, with no hormonal intervention like contraception, is a sign of reproductive health. An irregular period could mean that your body is not creating estrogen and progesterone as it is meant to.

2. Is your period normal?

Every period differs from person to person, but there are still parameters for what constitutes normal. For example, a normal period lasts less than one week with just a day or two of heavy bleeding. Heavy bleeding or bleeding that lasts longer than this should be brought up to your doctor. If you experience many symptoms that significantly impact your life, like extreme cramping or headaches, your doctor might want to look more into it.

3. How can you relieve menstrual symptoms?

Some symptoms associated with PMS, PMDD, and your menstrual period may be easy to relieve with some guidance. Changing your diet or exercise routine may be able to help, as can reducing your stress levels. Avoid eating more sugar than usual, and you might want to stay away from caffeine too. Unfortunately, some cases may require additional medical help if estrogen and progesterone levels need help to stay regulated.

4. Why are you so tired while you're on your period?

For some women, fatigue comes with feeling uncomfortable or having cramps at night. Unfortunately, others suffer from anemia while they are on their period, which creates additional fatigue.

5. Why is your period late all of a sudden?

It is often normal for a period to be late on occasion, especially if you have worked out a lot or been very stressed out lately. Even sickness can delay ovulation and ultimately your period. If you're suddenly having periods that are consistently late, you should bring it up to your doctor.

Whether you have a doctor coming for a home visit or you are going in to the office, it is always smart to ask questions. In fact, home visits are often great because they allow you to feel comfortable while you ask questions like these.
