Dental implants are an investment in a healthy smile. Many people prefer implants over dentures since they look more natural, are permanent, and they require similar care to natural teeth. Whether you only have one implant or an entire set, you do need to know how to prevent implant failure, though. This is when the jawbone and gums don't integrate properly with the implant post, causing the implant to loosen and eventually come out.
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Summer is here. It's time to head outside and enjoy some fun in the sun. If you're going to be driving, you should know that the car doesn't protect you from the damaging effects of the sun. In fact, statistics show that 53% of all skin cancer cases occur on the left side of the body, which is the side of the body that's exposed to the sun while you're driving a car.
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When a loved one on the other side of the country needs your care, arranging the move can be tricky. This is especially true when he or she has health problems. If you are going to be the primary caregiver for a loved one moving from another state to yours, a medical flight may be the solution to your problem. Here are a few things you should know about medical flights and how they can help your family.
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If your toddler is dealing with hearing loss, you may be completely unaware of it. They could appear to have perfectly fine hearing, since they may not have the ability to convey to you that they are having difficulty hearing the sounds going on around them. That's why it's important for you to be on the lookout for the signs of hearing loss in your child. Use this information to learn more about how to determine if your toddler could be dealing with hearing loss.
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The summer season brings all kinds of new adventures, from trips to the beach and vacations to outdoor barbecues. Increased activity during the summer months can also mean more potential for injuries and even possible back pain or problems. Here are a few helpful tips to help you get the most out of your summer while keeping your body and your back healthy.
Sun Is Good - In Moderation
It's almost a given that you can expect to get more sunshine during the summer.
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