See A Gynecologist If You Have Painful Menstrual Cramps
Having painful menstrual cramps can severely affect your quality of life. During the days of the month in which the cramps are strongest, you might feel tired, irritable, and incapable of enjoying the activities that you'd otherwise fill your time with. If you have painful menstrual cramps, it's a good idea to set an appointment with your gynecologist. They'll not only be able to rule out any abnormal issues that could be causing the cramps, but also discuss a number of ways that you can decrease the pain. Here are some potential solutions that your gynecologist may discuss with you.
Pain Medication
There's a good chance that your gynecologist will introduce you to various types of pain medication that can help to lessen the pain you suffer from your menstrual cramps. Pain medication can be a useful and simple solution to this common problem. There are many different medications on the market, and it can be a little overwhelming to try to figure out a solution on your own. You can expect your gynecologist to recommend one or more products that they feel will specifically be a good fit for you. You can try the recommended medication and report back at your next appointment to share how it's improving your pain.
Birth Control Pill
It's also common for gynecologists to recommend going on the birth control pill as a way to manage pain from menstrual cramps. While the pill's primary objective is to prevent pregnancy, it has an effect on your hormones that can often reduce the pain you experience during your periods. The pill can offer other advantages, including increasing the predictability of your periods. This can be something that is appealing to those who have irregular periods in addition to a significant level of pain.
Anti-Inflammatory Diet
There are many gynecologists who can suggest other means of lessening your painful menstrual cramps, including making some changes to your diet. Your doctor may ask you what types of food you eat and then suggest which products are best to eliminate because of the inflammation that they cause in your body. Inflammation can often cause pain, and there's evidence that the consumption of an anti-inflammatory diet may help to decrease pain during menstruation. Even making a few simple dietary changes may be helpful, and you might feel empowered by dealing with your pain in this manner.
Contact a gynecologist if you have painful menstrual cramps.