Six Things You Shouldn’t Assume About Flu Treatments

Although most people can overcome the flu with only rest and fluids, flu treatment is necessary in some situations. It's important for patients to be properly informed about treating the flu so that they avoid complications and recover as quickly as possible.  Misinformation regarding flu treatments is common. The following are six things you shouldn't assume about flu treatments.  Flu treatments are unnecessary because the flu goes away on its own. Read More 

The Importance Of Transgender-Focused Healthcare

In the world of medicine, there are several contextual variables that need to be taken into account to offer adequate services. For example, there's a big difference between what a 5-year-old kid needs in order to fully achieve growth and prevent childhood-related diseases and what an 80-year-old senior needs in order to live as well as possible while keeping chronic diseases at bay. In this sense, medicine is not a one-size-fits-all kind of discipline. Read More 

An OTC Chigger Bite Ointment Can Reduce Intense Itching Caused By Chigger Bites

Chiggers are annoying insects that leave behind itchy welts after they bite you. You can get chigger bites from sitting in grass outdoors when the insects are present. They tend to get under your clothes and bite where clothing presses against your body, such as around waistbands and seams. Their bites are quite itchy, but otherwise harmless unless you get an infection from scratching them. You can treat the bites yourself with an OTC chigger bite ointment. Read More 

7 Signs You Should Request A COVID-19 Test

Getting a COVID-19 test in a timely manner increases the range of potential treatment options. If you suspect you need a coronavirus test, do so the moment you think it's even a possibility because you may be able to get antivirals if a doctor detects the infection soon enough. Folks who notice any of these signs should contact their doctor or pharmacist about a test for COVID right away. Loss of Taste or Smell Read More