Your relationship with your primary care physician can be a long and fruitful one where your physician does everything possible to make sure that you are heard and understood. For this reason, it is important to take steps to build a great relationship with your primary care physician so that he or she can better understand and help you.
Make Your Agenda Clear
Make sure that you have an agenda and that your primary care physician understands your agenda.
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A lot of people are so familiar with their menstrual cycles that they barely have to think about it. For others, irregularity is to be expected. The truth is that speaking with your doctor is essential to understanding whether or not the things happening in your body are normal. Have a doctor's visit coming up? It's always a good idea to ask questions if you think something is not quite right.
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While pollen generally is to blame for triggering allergy symptoms in the springtime, grasses and weeds usually are to blame for summer allergies. Summertime allergies bring on a host of symptoms including itchy and watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, and coughing. But some of the medications to relieve those symptoms can have an adverse effect on your body. That's why it's important to carefully heed your doctor's instructions to avoid heat-related illness brought on by a side effect of allergy medication.
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If you think your hearing is getting worse, you should schedule an appointment with a hearing professional. Hearing loss is often managed with hearing aids after an accurate test to determine what type of devices best suit you. Having hearing aids fitted could help you locate sounds better and ensure you hear better in noisy environments. This article will look at common FAQs on hearing aids to help you adjust and better care for your devices.
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Seasonal allergies are often worse in the spring and summer, but can also occur year round. Depending on the individual, seasonal allergies may trigger symptoms such as sneezing, itchy watery eyes, coughing and nasal congestion. For some, over the counter medications can keep the symptoms of seasonal allergies under control. However, those who have more severe allergy problems may require prescription medications to relieve these symptoms. These are some of the different prescription medications that are used to treat seasonal allergies.
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